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Rest In Truth Ministries

About Me

My life is moved by the power of faith that overcomes the darkest fear.   My heart is for others to learn how to dance in the darkness and find meaning in God’s sovereignty no matter the circumstance.

My history

I was born with a blood oxygenation deficiency and given a 15% chance to live.  During my senior year of college, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor that I’ve been battling for over ten years now.  After several life-saving interventions, I’ve made peace with God’s sovereignty.  The kind of peace that understands how to wander in and out of the desert of mortal fear and, by God’s grace, wrestled that fear to the ground over and again. 



1990 - 15% chance to live at birth


2013 - Diagnosed with brain tumor


2014 - 1st tumor surgery


2018 - 2nd tumor surgery


2020 - tumor regrowth


2022 - Radiation


2023 - Chemotherapy


nashville based speaker & discipleship Ministry

Speaking is the spark and discipleship is the fire that ignites real transforamation.

I enjoy the kind of coaching that inspires and encourages deep transformation and breakthrough.  


Ministry passion

  • Discipleship Ministry (Matthew 4:12-25)
  • Church Ministry (Matthew 16:15-19; Genesis 1:31)
  • Domestic Mission (Matthew 10:5-20)

Contact Me

Get In Touch

Tyler Griffin

Cell# – 765-491-8946

Email – [email protected]